Book Review Writing Tips for Beginners

People have varying views with regards to the books they have read. One may love it; the other might be unsatisfied. It always depends on how you understand the material that you have learned. In doing book reviews, you share your honest reaction about the book you just read. Many people would think that it is a way of exploiting the content of the books, but the truth is, it’s a means of motivating other people who are looking for a book to read.

So if you are going to write a book review to share your reading experience in class or with friends, here’s how to write a book review and some helpful tips to guide you.

Write a couple of sentences that best describe the book

It will give the readers or listeners a hint on what to expect from the book you will review. Writing a summary is different from a book review. When you write a book review, you discuss the possible themes that readers might encounter in reading it. Also, you share pieces of information about what makes the book worth reading or not.

Share what sparks your interest in the book

If you have certain scenes that you love most in the movies, the same thing happens when you read a book. In writing a book review, you share the most unforgettable moment you encountered upon reading the content. You give a piece of your mind what makes you like that scene or part.

Mention your least favorite part in the book

A book review will not be credible if you can’t share even a little bit of dissatisfaction with the book that you read. Remember that it’s not a perfect book, so there should be a setback in the book. It could be the pacing, the plot, or how the writer gives justification in certain situations.

Relate ideas in the book to real situations

To help the readers better understand what to expect in the book, it is best to relate some of the conditions or themes in the book to real-life situations. It could be a learning experience that you had after reading the book and how it affected or changed you somehow.

Wrap up your review

Summarize all the negative and positive points you found in the book and recommend the book for the type of readers who will surely read it. You can compare it to other book titles so people who have read the text you have compared it with will also learn the book you recommended.

These are some book review writing tips that you can use if you want to share your reading experience with other bookworms. It does not have to be too long. All you need in writing a book review is to be precise in detail and avoid sugar-coating words because the book’s quality always depends on who will be reading it, and yours is just a portion.